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Word List
inclined plane
simple machine


Match each definition with a word.

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1.   A simple device that does work. This includes the pulley, the wheel and axle, the lever, the inclined plane, the screw, and the wedge.

   simple machine   
2.   Using a force to move an object across a distance. This is equal to the product of force times distance.

3.   A simple machine with 2 or more inclined planes.

4.   A simple machine with a flat surface set at an angle to a horizontal surface. A playground slide is an example of this.

5.   A simple machine that has a bar which moves on or around a fixed point and can be used for lifting things. A seesaw is an example of this.

6.   A push or a pull.

7.   A huge underwater mountain chain that zig-zags around some of the continents and circles much of the earth.

8.   A deep ocean valley that forms where two plates move away from each other.

9.   This is a part of the mid-ocean ridge and goes right through the middle of Iceland.

10.   The fixed point or support on which a lever turns when moving. The center support of a seesaw is this.

11.   A simple machine with a round frame that turns around a central rod called an axle.

12.   A theory that explains the movement of the Earth's continents. Also called continental drift.

13.   A large mass of ice that moves very slowly through a valley or down a mountain.

14.   An earthquake that occurs under water may create this giant wave.

15.   This occurs when running water, sea waves, wind, or glaciers pick up and carry away materials from the earth's surface.

16.   A simple machine that has a wheel over which rope or chains are pulled.

17.   The large landmass or the one "supercontinent" that is believed to have connected all of the continents on earth about 225 million years ago.

18.   A part of erosion where rocks, minerals, and immature soils at or near the earth's surface are broken down into smaller pieces.

19.   A simple machine that consists of an inclined plane that twists around a central axis.

20.   A vent or hole in the surface of the Earth. When this erupts, it may release gases that come from the inside of the Earth.

21.   An instrument that detects and records earthquake vibrations.

22.   Plates that move toward each other and collide.
