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Tortillas and Lullabies, Tortillas y cancioncitas

Make a Tortillas and Lullabies, Tortillas y cancioncitas Word Wall!
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Word List
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different - diferente
doll - muńeca
dress - vestido
flowers - flores
four - cuatro

gathered - recogia
grandmother - abuela
great-grandmother - bisabuela
lullabies - cancioncitas
me - mí

mother - mamá
my - mi
one - uno
same - mismo
three - tres

tortillas - tortillas
two - dos
washed - lavaba

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Highlight Text (anywhere in a word)
Type any letter combination that you would like highlighted. Use commas if you'd like to highlight more than one combination.
Example: u = student or universe
Typing m,sh,ng would highlight the letter m, the combination sh, and also the combination ng anywhere in a word.
Type letters to highlight:

Highlight: Letters at start of a word
Type the letters to highlight at the start of a word.
Example: sh = show or shoe
Type letters to highlight:

Highlight: Letters at the end of a word
Type the letters to highlight at the start of a word.
Example: ing = running
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