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Translating Verbal Statements into Equations
(Answer ID # 0715538)
Express each of the following problems algebraically.
(Hint: Use n as the unknown number and create an equation from the problem.)

1.   A number minus 26 is 18
n - 26 = 18
2.   7 more than 2 times a number is 13

3.   The product of 5 and a number is 10

4.   six times a number, less 11 is 49

5.   two less than three times a number is 28

6.   Twice the sum of a certain number and 26 is 72

7.   100 less than a number equals -70

8.   12 less than twice a number is 0

9.   six times the sum of a number and 4 is 42

10.   99 less than a number equals -6

11.   The sum of a number and eleven times the same number is 84

12.   A number increased by 2 is 26

13.   5 less than the product of 9 and a number is 22

14.   The sum of 43 and a number is 61

15.   One-tenth of a number is 20

16.   eight times a number equals 8

17.   twelve times a number added to 10 is 22

18.   The sum of 10 and the product of 4 and a number is 22

19.   One-sixth of a number is 66

20.   The sum of 10 and the product of 5 and a number is 55

21.   six times the sum of a number and 2 is 24

22.   A number minus 9 is -7

23.   The sum of a number and five times the same number is 12

24.   13 less than twice a number is -5

25.   A number increased by 83 is 105

26.   five times a number, less 12 is 48

27.   six less than two times a number is 16

28.   one times a number added to 4 is 9

29.   nine times a number equals 63

30.   10 less than the product of 6 and a number is 32


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