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Date ___________________

Context Clues

1.  An edifice, such as the Empire State Building, can take years to build.

Using the example clue, the word edifice in this sentence means
  coal mine
  concrete wall
  large building
2.  The servant burnished the silver vase, rubbing hard to bring back the shine.

Using the explanation clue, the word burnished in this sentence means
3.  The bank robber kept a hostage captive for twenty-four hours until he decided to emancipate him.

Using the contrast clue, the word emancipate in this sentence means
4.  A melancholy sadness fell over the crowd after hearing the shocking news.

Using the synonym clue, the word melancholy in this sentence means
  depressed or sad
5.  After being ill and unable to eat for three days, Beverly had a voracious appetite.

Using the contrast clue, the word voracious in this sentence means
6.  Candles, flashlights, and lamps illuminate the room.

Using the example clue, the word illuminate in this sentence means
  light up
7.  The girls languidly put on their jackets as if they had no energy at all.

Using the comparison clue, the word languidly in this sentence means
8.  After Julius Caesar was assassinated, a triumvirate ruled Rome. The three men in charge were Octavian, Mark Antony, and Marcus Lepidus. It was felt that this was best for Rome because the people did not want a dictator or emperor.

Using the antonym clue, the word triumvirate in this sentence means
  a group of three
  a group of two

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