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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Write the meaning of the sentence.
1.  Your voice is music to my ears.
This sentence means:

2.  Melanie asked for a couple of days to digest the information before she gave Tom her answer.
This sentence means:

3.  John is a giant in his class, towering a foot over his classmates.
This sentence means:

4.  Kylie has such a bubbly personality that she has lots of friends.
This sentence means:

5.  Matt is such an airhead when it comes to remembering names.
This sentence means:

6.  Lori is the apple of her father's eye.
This sentence means:

7.  Uncle Pete was a mule as he wouldn't change his ways for anything.
This sentence means:

8.  Mr. Hawkins shot down my idea to paint the wall with our school colors.
This sentence means:

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