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1.   One out of three workers in Sicilian's olive orchard is a woman. If the total number of workers is 156, how many women are working at the orchard?

2.   David is helping plan a program for the Literacy Day assembly at his school. The program will begin at 2:53 p.m. and end at 4:22 p.m. During that time there will be a 21-minute video presentation, a 17-minute poetry reading, and two guest speakers. If the time left after the video and the poetry reading is divided evenly among the guest speakers, how much time will each speaker get?

3.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
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4.   Our teacher told us a story about three families who were having a feud. The dispute was over which family owned the four wild hound dogs that wandered in the woods. Half of the Marks family said the dogs belonged to the Smiths family. One-fourth of the Marks family said the dogs belonged to the Jacks family. The rest of the Marks family said, "What dogs?" There are 28 people in the Marks family. How many of them said "What dogs"?

5.   According to a survey done by the students in Mr. Taylor's math class, one-sixth of the Mountain Springs Elementary School students don't like butterscotch pudding. If there are three hundred seventy-eight students at the school, how many don't like butterscotch pudding?

6.   In autumn, Timothy helps his father gather the buckets of sap from their maple trees. Later they will make maple syrup from it. Each bucket has six quarts of sap in it. Timothy and his father gathered thirty buckets of sap. How many gallons of sap did they gather? Write your answer in decimal format.


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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Math Worksheets