Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Word List


  fun   (fuhn) noun,adjective    Something that gives you amusement, pleasure, or enjoyment.
Rhymes:  done, gun, in, none, nun, one, shun, son, stun, sun, ton, won
Antonyms:  boredom, tedium

  given   (gihvuhn) adjective,noun,verb    To have already let somebody have something.

  has   (haz) verb    A form of the present tense of have that is used with he, she, it, and the name of a person, place, or thing.
Rhymes:  as, jazz

  sat    noun    To have already rested your body down. Your body was supported by your bottom rather than your feet.
Rhymes:  at, bat, cat, chat, gnat, hat, mat, pat, rat, that, combat

  the   (thuh)     This is called a definite article. It can be used to say that there is only one of something, such as ___ Nile River.
Rhymes:  be, bee, fee, flea, flee, glee, he, knee, me, pea, plea, quay, see, she, ski, tea, three, we, wee, agree, debris, decree, degree, foresee

  this   (thihs) pronoun    The person, thing, or matter mentioned, understood, or at hand.
Rhymes:  bliss, hiss, kiss, miss, amiss, dismiss, remiss, reminisce

  want   (wont) noun,verb   
1.  When you would like or wish to have something.
2.  To need or require something.
Rhymes:  croissant, nonchalant
Synonyms:  choose, need, require, yearn, crave, desire, long, should, lack, wish
Antonyms:  supply, sufficiency, provision

  when   (wEHn) adverb    Used to ask about the time of something.
Rhymes:  men, pen, then, wren, yen, bin, chin, fin, grin, in, kin, pin, shin, sin, skin, spin, twin, win, akin, chagrin

  white   (wiit) noun,verb,adjective    The color of snow.
Rhymes:  bite, blight, bright, byte, cite, fight, flight, fright, height, knight, light, might, night, plight, right, rite, sight, site, sleight, slight, tight, trite, write, contrite, delight, excite, forthright, ignite, invite, polite, recite, upright
Antonyms:  black, ebony, rosy, impure, flushed

  your   (yawr) pronoun    Belonging to the person being spoken to. The possessive form of the personal pronoun you.
Rhymes:  bore, chore, door, drawer, floor, for, fore, four, lore, more, oar, or, score, shore, soar, sore, spore, store, tore, war, wore, adore, before, deplore, explore, galore, ignore, implore, rapport, restore, heretofore, cure, moor, poor, pure, sure, tour, brochure, detour, endure, ensure