Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique.  
b. Easily hurt.  

leborote delicate deliicate
methodicel methodicall methodical
liberate methodial deliate
lihurayt dihluhkuht liburayt
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Change or alter in form, appearance, or nature.  
b. Change in outward structure or looks.  

transorm resrict dihliin
transform restrict tranform
decline deline dicline
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Become worse or disintegrate.  
b. Grow worse.  

deteriorrate restrict transform
transorm trasform restict
deteriorae deteroirete deteriorate
4.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Grant freedom to; free from confinement.  
b. Grant freedom to.  

liberate liberati joobuhle
dohlehkuht delicate jubilea
liberete libirete delicatte
delicete jubilee
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Change toward something smaller or lower.  
b. A downward slope or bend.  

joobuhle restict jubilee
declinne dicline decline
restrict joobuuhlee jubilea
declin retrict resrict
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Place limits on (extent or access).  
duclune retrict resrict
jubilee restict restrict
declini joobuhlee juubilee
decline jubilea

7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.  
delicete liberati delicae
gele gle delicati
lihbuayt gale liberete
liberate geli delicate
8.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A special anniversary.  
restrict mothudicel methodicel
resrict jeobohlae retrict
jubilea resttrict jubilee
methadical methodical
9.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Characterized by method and orderliness.  
frihvuluhs liberete liberatte
methodicaal frivolouss liberte
methodicel methodical frivuhluhs
frivolous liberate muthidical
10.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Not serious in content or attitude or behavior.  
fihvuhluhs declin frivolous
joobuhle frivolos jubilea
decline jabilee duclune
declini jubilee frivoluos
11.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.  
gele retrict gayl
resrict methodicaal gale
restrict mithodical methodical