Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Relating to or using sight.  
b. Able to be seen.  

colliide vissaul collide
visal callide collidi
barometor vosaal buromihturr
beremater barometer visual
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering.  
collide collidi envelop
envelep hich hach
kuhlii hatch envilop
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Emerge from the eggs; of birds, fish, or reptiles.  
b. Devise or invent.  

hach hatch hatc
hich vissible collidee
callide collide viseble
4.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A minor short-term fight.  
viseble vosible gayz
skirmish vihuhbuhl visible
skurmish greze graze
skiirmish skirmesh grazze
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Perceptible especially by the eye; or open to easy view.  
skirmish visible skirmih
kuhliidd skirmesh viseble
collidde vosiblu skiirmish
collide vihzuhuhl colide
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Crash together with violent impact.  
b. Be incompatible; be or come into conflict.  

retrayve visible kuhlii
retrieve retreve collidi
viseble visibli ritreeve

7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Get or find back; recover the use of.  
b. Recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection.  

skimish skermish skirmish
kuhlied collidde retrieve
collide skirmesh ratrieve
retrive collidi
8.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner).  
retreve hach shakle
shackle shukihl hatch
retrieve shakuhl retrayve
9.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
An instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.  
retrieve buramuter retrayve
barometor barometer retrive
shackle shakle shokahl
shakuhl barameter
10.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Break the skin (of a body part) by scraping.  
b. Scrape gently.  

buroomihtur greze barometer
grazi grazee retreve
barometor buromihtu rutreeve
retrieve ritrieve graze
11.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner).  
callide collide kihluid
skirmish shekuhl shakul
skirmesh shackle coollide