Sample Winter Word Problems Worksheet
Winter Worksheets

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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Winter Math Stories
(Answer ID # 0641350)
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1.   Bebo's Backcountry Wear sold a total of 188 parkas during their two-week winter sale. They sold 68 more parkas this week than last week. How many parkas did they sell last week?

2.   Caleb and Nicholas want to build a fort out of snow. The fort will be thirteen and five tenths feet long and five and five tenths feet wide. What will be the area of the fort?

3.   Our club sponsored a sleigh ride last week. We charged $3.75 per person for the ride. The sleigh holds four people at a time and each sleigh ride takes fifteen minutes. If forty-six people went on the ride, how much money did we make?

4.   Lauren's house is heated with a fireplace. A cord of firewood costs $58.26. If the fireplace uses up a third of a cord each week and winter lasts fourteen weeks, what will be the cost of the firewood for Lauren's house? (Note: Lauren can only buy whole cords of firewood)

5.   It takes Samuel 12.5 minutes to climb a hill in the snow. It takes him ninety-one seconds to ride his sled down the hill. How much longer does it take him to climb the hill than to ride down it?

6.   Everything at the store is x percent off. Alexander bought a jacket (regular price $50.98) and gloves (regular price $13.10). There is no sales tax. The total came to $51.90. What is the value of x?


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