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Date ___________________
Word List
Granny Smith
Newton Pippin
Red Delicious
apple crisp
frost damage
winter banana


Match each definition with a word.

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1.   The season when grains and fruits are gathered. Apple ____ usually begins mid-August and ends in early November.

2.   Good-quality ____ apples will be firm with smooth, clean skin and have good color for the variety. Very good for eating fresh, cooking, and salads.

3.   Another word for the season known as fall. The season that follows summer. Leaves begin to change color, and apples are harvested.

4.   A unit of measurement equal to one quarter of a bushel. A peck of apples weighs 10.5 pounds.

5.   Putting or setting in the ground to grow.

6.   The color in the rainbow between green and orange. A Golden Delicious apple is ____.

7.   The first apples exported from America in 1768, some were sent to Benjamin Franklin in London.

8.   A dessert made by baking sliced apples with an oatmeal, flour, and butter topping. This is also very good if eaten with ice cream.

9.   The part of a tree, bush, or vine that is formed after the blossoms die. ____ is usually good to eat. An apple is a ____.

10.   The flower of an apple tree. The apple ____ is the state flower of Arkansas and of Michigan.

11.   This one's a classic--America's favorite snacking apple. The heart-shaped fruit is bright red and sometimes striped. Crunchy with a mildly sweet flavor, ____ apples are also great in salads.

12.   This happens when it gets too cold while the blossoms are on the trees. The frost kills the blossoms, and fruit does not grow.

13.   A place where young trees, vines, and plants are grown and usually sold. In 1730 the first apple nursery was opened in Flushing, New York.

14.   In colonial time apples were called ____ or melt-in-the-mouth.

15.   One of two methods used to reproduce apples.

16.   Green, extremely tart, crisp, juicy, and versatile, they're available year-round. Grannies are a favorite of pie-bakers. They're also excellent for snacking and salads.

17.   A standard ____ of apples containing four layers weighs about 40 pounds.

18.   This apple's rich, sweet-tart, spicy flavor is high-impact. Color varies from orange to red over a yellow background. Aromatic, juicy, and crisp, this apple is very firm. A ____ is great for snacking and baking.

19.   Another word for the season known as autumn. The season that follows summer. Leaves begin to change color, and apples are harvested.

20.   Sweet with a zingy crunch, ____ holds its texture for long periods. Look for the variety's characteristic white spots on the skin.

21.   The color of blood or of the ruby. Students like to give teachers a big, ____ apple.

22.   Pinkish-orange stripes over a yellow background are the signature of this crisp, aromatically-sweet, snappy apple. Snacking and salads are primary uses.
