The Chinese Numeration System   

The Chinese numeration system has characters that correspond to the numbers zero to nine. Unlike the number system we are used to, the Chinese system also has special characters to represent ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, as well as other multiples of ten.

0 zero  
1 one  
2 two  
3 three  
4 four  
5 five  
6 six  
7 seven  
8 eight  
9 nine  
10 ten  
100 one hundred  
1000 one thousand  
10000 ten thousand  

The number 75 is written in Chinese using the characters 7, 10, and 5 or .
In Chinese you need to say that you have 7 tens first. 7 tens is how 70 is represented. Once you have the tens place in Chinese, you can finish writing the number with the character for 5. Chinese has no character for ones, but a character is used for the other place values. The character for ten is needed. You cannot write 75 as .

How would you write 893?
893 is written in Chinese as 8 hundreds, 9 tens, and 3.
This is how 893 is written:  .

There is one more rule to writing numbers in Chinese. If a number ends in zeros, you do not need to include the zero character. However, if a zero digit does not end a number you need to include the zero character.
The number 890 is written as:  (8 hundreds, 9 tens).
The number 809 is written as:  (8 hundreds, zero, nine).
The zero character is included in the number, but you do not need to say 0 tens. Just the 0 character is fine!

The number 1004 is written as:  (1 thousands, zero, four).
Since 1004 has a zero followed by a non-zero digit, the zero character is used. If a zero digit is followed by one or more zero digits, only one zero character is used.


The Chinese Numeration System - More Samples   

NumberExpanded FormChinese

10031000 + 3

5150 + 1

3330 + 3

4303540000 + 3000 + 30 + 5

52425000 + 200 + 40 + 2

4140 + 1

1172710000 + 1000 + 700 + 20 + 7

771700 + 70 + 1

3830 + 8

18251000 + 800 + 20 + 5

15441000 + 500 + 40 + 4

3034130000 + 300 + 40 + 1