Italian units

Italian Word Walls

Make a Word Wall (PDF file created)
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Number of Words
One word on each word wall      Two words on each word wall

Options for the Italian word on each card
Font color for the Italian word:

Page Layout

Number of columns:  

Border width:  

Word List
Enter your words (you can click Enter to go from one word to the next):

Only enter the first word (or English word) for each card.
Later on you will be able to enter the Italian word.

Click here to add more words
  (space to add up to 50 words will be shown here; your existing data above will remain)

Font Size
edHelper will pick the best font size for you!


Font Style:  
Bold Italic

Font color:
Color of border:

edHelper has a small collection of pictures for words. We're always adding to this collection.
If edHelper has a picture for any of my words, include it on the word wall
Do not include any pictures on the word wall

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