Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Spanish Units

Numbers in Spanish

Write Spanish Numbers - Book of Mixed Printables
   Spanish Numbers - Mixed Book   

Word Search
       Spanish numbers word search

       Matching numbers (4 rows)
Matching numbers (6 rows)
Matching numbers (8 rows)

Trace and Write Spanish Numbers
       Numbers and number words given (in order from least to greatest)
Numbers and number words given (mixed up)

Only the number given (in order from least to greatest)
Only the number given (mixed up)

Circle the Number
       Circle the value of the number word (2 choices)
Circle the value of the number word (4 choices)

Write the Numbers in Order
       Rewrite the list of numbers from least to greatest (3 numbers)
Rewrite the list of numbers from least to greatest (5 numbers)

Rewrite each list of numbers in order from largest to smallest (3 numbers)
Rewrite each list of numbers in order from largest to smallest (5 numbers)

Rewrite each list of numbers (3 numbers)
Rewrite each list of numbers (5 numbers)

Write the Numbers
       Practice writing the Spanish word for the number

Easy Math Operations with Spanish Numbers
       Addition with Spanish numbers
Subtraction with Spanish numbers
Addition and subtraction with Spanish numbers

Easy Word Problems
       Mix of easy math word problems

       Misspellings - circle correct spelling
Misspellings - circle correct spelling (more choices)

Misspellings: includes spelling of more than one word - circle correct spelling
Misspellings: includes spelling of more than one word - circle correct spelling (more choices)

            Spanish Number Flashcards
       Print flashcards for Spanish numbers

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