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Word List
Cape York
Great Barrier Reef
James Cook


Match each definition with a word.

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1.   A spiny insect-eating mammal of Australia and Tasmania, with a long snout and strong claws.

2.   This is located in the northeastern coast of Australia and is considered to be the world's largest coral reef system.

3.   Australia's chief port and largest city. This city is located in southeastern Australia.

4.   A wooden stick with a notch at one end, used by Australian Aborigines to launch a spear.

5.   The capital of Australia.

6.   The dry, bush country of the interior of Australia. This covers approximately two-thirds of Australia.

7.   A tall evergreen tree mainly native to Australia that has tough aromatic leaves and provides good timber, resin, and an oil with medicinal properties. Koalas eat its leaves.

8.   A mammal, bearing immature young in a pouch on the mother's body.

9.   A ridge of coral or rock in a body of water, with the top just below or just above the surface.

10.   A hard, rocky material formed by the skeletons of tiny animals. These may combine to form a marine reef.

11.   A person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there.

12.   The northernmost point of the Australian continent.

13.   A hill or mountain with a level top.

14.   A large expanse of fairly flat, dry land.

15.   A flat bent or curved piece of wood used as a weapon by Australian Aborigines; it is designed to return to the person who throws it.

16.   A large leaping marsupial animal with powerful hind legs, short forelegs, and a long tail.

17.   An Australian, egg-laying, aquatic mammal with a snout shaped like a duck's bill and webbed feet.

18.   British naval captain, navigator, and explorer, who explored the seaways and coasts of Canada and conducted three expeditions to the Pacific Ocean, including Australia and New Zealand.

19.   A traveler who moves from one region or country to another.

20.   A island off the southeaster coast of Australia and an Australian state.

21.   An Aboriginal musical instrument.

22.   An Aboriginal gathering and ceremony with music and dancing.



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