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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Articles and Demonstratives
Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.

1.  You get some water from (a, the) foods you eat.
2.  The female lions do most of (a, the) hunting for the pride.
3.  Baby robins open their mouths wide for (a, an) meal of worms.
4.  In the summer months, (a, the) sun rises high in the sky.
5.  (A, An) bear cub climbs a pine tree and licks the bark.
6.  Go get (that, those) book off the floor and bring it to me.
7.  The Incas valued (a, an) alpaca’s fur.
8.  (These, This) house gets very cold in January.
9.  My little brother stepped in (a, an) ant bed.
10.  (These, Those) shoes are hurting my feet.
11.  We have (a, an) oak tree in our front yard.
12.  Sometimes you can see (a, an) rainbow in the sky after it rains.
13.  Lindbergh's flight of over 3,600 miles had taken (a, an) little over thirty-three hours.
14.  (A, An) tortoise is a turtle that lives on land.
15.  (A, An) capybara cools off by wading in water.
16.  (A, The) earth's surface is seven parts water and three parts land.
17.  Never use (these, this) hairdryer near water.
18.  Tom received (a, an) acceptance letter from the local college.
19.  (These, Those) boys sitting at the other table are in the tenth grade.
20.  Kathy goes to (a, an) aerobics class on Tuesdays.
21.  Sally didn’t buy (that, those) cameras because they cost too much money.
22.  I dropped (that, those) pencils on the floor.
23.  I need (these, those) nails brought to me so I can hang the picture.
24.  (A, An) Siberian tiger grows a thick winter coat that keeps it warm.
25.  When you cut (a, an) onion, it can make your eyes burn and water.

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