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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Middle School Math
Math Worksheets


Sample - Click above to make a new math worksheet (PDF).
Name _____________________________
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Add or subtract.

1.   19.71  +  21.47
2.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
Use the link at the top of the page for a printable page.
3.   17.8  -  12.2
4.   30.1  -  5
5.   21.481  -  14
6.   10.0003123  +  27.09554
7.   30.71312  -  8.36227
8.   16.03847  +  22.003967
9.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
Use the link at the top of the page for a printable page.
10.   30.69  -  27.5
11.   21.91  -  9.42
12.   26.56  -  25.33
13.   7.213186  +  18.583591
14.   4.311  +  2.315
15.   23.006419  -  11.0006183
16.   4  +  18.395
17.   10.00072663  +  16.0016273
18.   24.83  -  6.21
19.   28.119  -  26.15
20.   31.07079  -  18.0093887
21.   15.2023  +  12
22.   27.76  -  15.47
23.   23.3  -  13.985
24.   13.760279  +  7
25.   18.37  -  13.62
26.   25.7  -  3
27.   18.01965  -  13.02888
28.   13.96  +  11.918
29.   19.24  +  30.17
30.   12.98  -  6.67
31.   23  +  23.2
32.   31.59  -  20.19
33.   18.714  -  16.79
34.   27.00289  -  14.000706
35.   13.47  +  14.79
36.   26.15  +  9.38
37.   14  +  15.10222
38.   22.00958  +  2.0406
39.   19.93516  -  4.46442
40.   23.19  -  17.5


Answer Key

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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Middle School Math
Math Worksheets