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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Analyze Data and Graphs
Math Worksheets


Sample - Click above to make a new math worksheet (PDF).
Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Make a Bar Graph
Use the data from the frequency table to color the bar graph.
Favorite Day of the Week
  Day    Number  
  Sunday    12  
  Monday    6  
  Tuesday    3  
  Wednesday    9  
  Thursday    2  
  Friday    5  
  Saturday    4  

1.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
Use the link at the top of the page for a printable page.
2.   Did more people choose Thursday or Sunday?

3.   If 4 more people chose Tuesday how many total people would have chosen Tuesday?

4.   How many people chose Monday as their favorite day of the week?

5.   How many people did not choose Tuesday as their favorite day of the week?

6.   What is the most popular day of the week?


Answer Key 0857140
Favorite Day of the Week
  Day    Number  
  Sunday    12  
  Monday    6  
  Tuesday    3  
  Wednesday    9  
  Thursday    2  
  Friday    5  
  Saturday    4  

1.   How many people chose either Thursday or Sunday?
2.   Did more people choose Thursday or Sunday?
3.   If 4 more people chose Tuesday how many total people would have chosen Tuesday?
4.   How many people chose Monday as their favorite day of the week?
5.   How many people did not choose Tuesday as their favorite day of the week?
6.   What is the most popular day of the week?
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Answer key also includes questions
Answer key only gives the answers
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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Analyze Data and Graphs
Math Worksheets