Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Go beyond.  
b. Be or do something to a greater degree.  

hil exceed kappuhtuhl
ixceed cpital excead
axceed haill capital
cepital hial hail
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Solve a problem by using math.  
b. Judge to be probable.  

calculete tro calculate
trio culculate troi
calculae exceed excead
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
accommodate, espouse, couple, clasp, accept, clasp, have, comprehend, hug, cuddle, employ, squeeze
capitel capital emmbrace
embrace capial hoyl
cpital hiall hail
hil ebrace
4.   Which word is the opposite of disadvantage, loss, low, harm, evil, ill, damage?
embrace benefit beneit
ebrace excead exced
embace exceed emrace
beneft bonefut
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. A straight line connecting two points on a curve.  
b. A combination of musical notes played at the same time.  

tro tio chord
exceed excead troi
chod churd trio
kawr exced
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Financial assistance in time of need.  
b. Something that aids or promotes well-being.  

exceed beneffit emrace
exced benifit embrace
benefit excead behnuhfih
7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
disagreement, bickering, conflict, altercation, fight, dispute, quarrel, controversy, vendetta, altercation, clash, title, fight
hail disputi feud
dispute fuedd dospeti
hiyl dipute hial
8.   Which word is the opposite of inferior, poor, unimportant, subordinate?
capital trio kappuhtuhl
treoh hail hoyl
troi tro capittal


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Find each of the following words.

Use the following definitions to figure out which vocabulary words to find.
1. Wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value.    2. A combination of musical notes played at the same time.    
3. Precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents.    4. Go beyond.     
5. A set of three similar things considered as a unit.    6. Take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own.    
7. A bitter quarrel between two parties.    



Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Write a sentence using the word embrace.

2.   Write a sentence using the word exceed.

3.   Write a sentence using the word trio.

4.   Write a paragraph or short story using the words benefit, hail, dispute, chord, and feud.


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to exceed?
1  top, outdo, pass, beat, pass, presume, transcend, best, excel, better, excel, overrun, surpass, top
2  major, cash, famous, grand, money, essential, assents, extraordinary, main, good, rank, flagrant, funds, savings, gross
3  rally, interest, prosperity, exhibit, boon, benediction, estate, welfare, profit, good
2.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to dispute?
1  cash, excellent, money, flagrant, funds, predominant, fundamental, assents, gross, savings, master, fine, foremost, excellent, rank
2  argue, conflict, squabble, question, moot, quarrel, row, clash, wrangle, beef, expostulate, canvass, quibble
3  benediction, advantage, exhibition, ease, welfare, interest, good, common, prosperity, support
3.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to hail?
1  vendetta, dispute, contend, row, fight, lease, quarrel, altercation, controversy, conflict, tenure, tourney, disagreement
2  top, transcend, pass, better, overrun, beat, outdistance, surpass, outdo, surpass, excel, eclipse, best, overwhelm
3  praise, squawk, acknowledge, call, greet, signal, flag, nudge
4.   trio
1  a. A straight line connecting two points on a curve.  
b. A combination of musical notes played at the same time.  
2  A set of three similar things considered as a unit.  
3  a. A straight line connecting two points on a curve.  
b. A combination of musical notes played at the same time.  
5.   exceed
1  A bitter quarrel between two parties.  
2  a. Go beyond.  
b. Be or do something to a greater degree.  
3  a. A straight line connecting two points on a curve.  
b. A combination of musical notes played at the same time.  
6.   dispute
1  a. Judge to be probable.  
b. Solve a problem by using math.  
2  A set of three similar things considered as a unit.  
3  a. A disagreement or argument about something important.  
b. Take exception to.  
7.   benefit
1  a. Financial assistance in time of need.  
b. Something that aids or promotes well-being.  
2  A set of three similar things considered as a unit.  
3  a. Precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents.  
b. Greet enthusiastically or joyfully.  
8.   calculate
1  A bitter quarrel between two parties.  
2  a. Financial assistance in time of need.  
b. Something that aids or promotes well-being.  
3  a. Solve a problem by using math.  
b. Judge to be probable.  


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Complete each sentence using the correct word.

1.   My brother promised to (capital, embrace, hail) the idea of visiting our cousins in Paris.


2.   Each kind of music has its own unique (chord, embrace, feud) progressions.


3.   Every sentence should start with a (capital, exceed, trio) letter.


4.   The Three Musketeers were a very adventurous (embrace, feud, trio).


5.   I need to (benefit, calculate, exceed) the distance from my house to yours.


6.   We should be able to (capital, chord, exceed) our goal of selling 150 cupcakes.


7.   It is nearly impossible to (benefit, capital, hail) a cab in New York City.


8.   The money we raised will (benefit, calculate, exceed) the missionaries in Brazil.


9.   We bought a (embrace, feud, trio) of chips with different flavors for our guests.


10.   Monday's ice and (benefit, calculate, hail) are being blamed for a multi-car accident on Interstate 85.


11.   The two families have been in a (capital, chord, feud) about money for over three generations.


12.   I believe that the money given to the charity will (exceed, hail, trio) $100,000.


13.   Our family visited the (capital, chord, embrace) of New York last summer.


14.   We can (benefit, exceed, trio) from the lessons we learned in school.



Answer Key
Page 1
1. exceed
2. calculate
3. embrace
4. benefit
5. chord
6. benefit
7. feud
8. capital

Page 4
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 2.
5. 2.
6. 3.
7. 1.
8. 3.

Page 5
1. embrace
2. chord
3. capital
4. trio
5. calculate
6. exceed
7. hail
8. benefit
9. trio
10. hail
11. feud
12. exceed
13. capital
14. benefit


Answer Key
Word Search Answer:
       C    L        
       H    A        
    TRIO    T        
     H R    I        
    A  D    P        
   I        A        
  L         C