Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Complete each sentence using the correct word.

Word List

1.   Heavy fog will soon ___ our village.


2.   The ___ on the prisoner's leg cut into his skin.


3.   Cosmic rays are highly energetic particles, and when they ___ with atoms, they send other particles, such as neutrons, flying off in all directions.


4.   About 1 million troops from the two countries are massed on the border, where they ___ almost daily.


5.   Jan read the ___ every 15 minutes before the storm.


6.   When moles burrow, they leave ___ trails above ground.


7.   The shepherd took his sheep high in the hills to ___ .


8.   Since the 1960s photography has become an increasingly dominant medium within the ___ arts.


9.   The crane is being used to ___ debris from the river near the bridge that collapsed.
