Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Speak unfavorably about.
b. Evil or harmful in nature or influence.  

matriach vignette matriarch
muhliin vognutte vignete
matriarh muhlien malign
mlign vignitte
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
An old female who is the head of her family and descendants.
matriarch maytrieerk poorter
matriarc pirter porter
indeleble matrairc indelible
idelible portir
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
distort, falter, shake, tingle
fellony indulgi grimaci
grimace indulge felany
felony grimac fehluhnea
4.   Which word is the opposite of benign, ?
malign indilge muhlien
indulge indulgi matrairh
matriarch matraich molugn
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. A small illustrative sketch (as sometimes placed at the beginning of chapters in books).
b. A brief literary description.

felany qirk vigette
kwerk vognitte felony
fehluhnea feony vignete
vignette quirk qiuk
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Give free rein to.  
b. Yield (to); give satisfaction to.

porterr andolgu indelible
indulgi indelibli poorter
indulge porter indeleble
7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
baby, coddle, roll, revel, please, much, humor, gratify, kindness, appease, humor, satisfy
matriarch ondelible endilge
inulge indeleble indelible
matrairh indulgi indulge
8.   Which word is the opposite of delible, mutable, evanescent, transient?
vignette maign undolible
indelible vignetti malign
indeleble malin indilible
vihyeht viignette


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Find each of the following words.

Use the following definitions to figure out which vocabulary words to find.
1. A contorted facial expression.     2. An old female who is the head of her family and descendants.  
3. A serious crime punishable by death or incarceration.  4. Cannot be removed, washed away or erased.     
5. A strange attitude or habit.  



Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Write a sentence using the word matriarch.

2.   Write a sentence using the word indulge.

3.   Write a sentence using the word indelible.

4.   Write a paragraph or short story using the words malign, quirk, vignette, felony, and porter.


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to matriarch?
1  fossil, dad, relic, mistress
2  frown, distort, face, glower
3  gratify, much, spoil, humor, welter, baby, tolerance, satisfy, roll, appreciate, furnish, appease
2.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to despicable?
1  baggage man, express, common carrier, carrier
2  flagrant, wretched, mean, atrocious, villainous, pitiable, sordid, shabby, deplorable, ugly
3  feel pain, contort, shake, mop
3.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to porter?
1  sorry, loathsome, common, ugly, pitiable, mean, ignoble, wretched, abject, infamous
2  butcher, janitor, warden, carrier
3  mistress, dad, relic, antique
4.   matriarch
1  A serious crime punishable by death or incarceration.
2  Cannot be removed, washed away or erased.  
3  An old female who is the head of her family and descendants.
5.   vignette
1  Cannot be removed, washed away or erased.  
2  a. A small illustrative sketch (as sometimes placed at the beginning of chapters in books).
b. A brief literary description.
3  Cannot be removed, washed away or erased.  
6.   felony
1  a. A strange attitude or habit.
b. Twist or curve abruptly.  
2  a. A photograph whose edges shade off gradually.
b. A small illustrative sketch (as sometimes placed at the beginning of chapters in books).
3  A serious crime punishable by death or incarceration.
7.   malign
1  a. A contorted facial expression.  
b. Contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state.  
2  a. A contorted facial expression.  
b. Contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state.  
3  a. Speak unfavorably about.
b. Evil or harmful in nature or influence.  
8.   indulge
1  a. A contorted facial expression.  
b. Contort the face to indicate a certain mental or emotional state.  
2  A serious crime punishable by death or incarceration.
3  a. Enjoy to excess.
b. Give free rein to.  


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Complete each sentence using the correct word.

1.   The judge ordered Alexander to be imprisoned for 8 years for the (felony, grimace, quirk) he had committed.


2.   His (despicable, grimace, indulge) as the doctor set his broken bone let us know he was in terrible pain.


3.   Kylie signs her autograph with a (matriarch, vignette) under her name to give it some flair.


4.   Murder is a (despicable, felony, vignette) crime.


5.   My mom has a (despicable, indulge, quirk) that drives me crazy. She always picks up my glass to wash it before I have finished drinking.


6.   The (indelible, matriarch, vignette) of our family is going to be 100 years old in August.


7.   There was a momentary (grimace, matriarch, vignette) in the middle of the dramatic play that caused the whole audience to break out in laughter. The lead actor tripped over his own feet and stumbled across the stage.


8.   Jacob made an (despicable, indelible, indulge) mark on the counter that had to be washed off with alcohol.


9.   Why don't you (indelible, indulge, quirk) yourself and have a piece of chocolate cake?


10.   Experts advise parents not to (indulge, matriarch, vignette) a child's every whim.


11.   You should never buy (felony, grimace, indelible) markers for young children.


12.   It was such a calamity that our family had lost its (indelible, matriarch, quirk), but we knew that she loved each one of us dearly, so we will always have the memories.


13.   Jessica committed a (despicable, felony, grimace) when she robbed the store owner while pointing her gun at him.


14.   No one liked the (despicable, indulge, quirk), evil man.



Answer Key
Page 1
1. malign
2. matriarch
3. grimace
4. malign
5. vignette
6. indulge
7. indulge
8. indelible

Page 4
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 2.
4. 3.
5. 2.
6. 3.
7. 3.
8. 3.

Page 5
1. felony
2. grimace
3. vignette
4. despicable
5. quirk
6. matriarch
7. vignette
8. indelible
9. indulge
10. indulge
11. indelible
12. matriarch
13. felony
14. despicable


Answer Key
Word Search Answer:
I         S          
 N        P K        
  D       I  R       
   E      C   I      
    L     A    U     
     I    B     Q    
      B   L          
       L  E          
        E     YNOLEF 