Plants Worksheets
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1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A layer of cells that marks the boundary between the inner core and outer surrounding tissue of a plant root.
broad leavis undedermus endodrmis
air broad leaves endodermis
broad leves ier broad leavs
enndodermis airr aiir
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. A fine powder produced by the anthers of seed-bearing plants.
b. Tiny grains that are produced in the stamen part of flowering and cone-bearing plants.

pellan endadermis vacuolee
pollin vacuoli pollen
endodermis vacuole indodermis
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
cutlery, sled, rapier, hatchet man, cutting edge
cone-bearig blade blede
cellulse cone-bearingg bladde
coni-bearing cellulose bladi
cone-bearing cullolose cullelise
4.   Which word is the opposite of inertia, listlessness?
energyy stylle sttyle
style eergy enirgy
truk trrunk energy
trunkk trunk
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
This is the meaning of the word conifer.
cone-bearing autumn autum
cane-bearing bbud bud
cone-bearring buud auumn
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
The type of leaves that deciduous trees usually have.
furniture brroad leaves braod leaves
crbon dioxide firniture broad leaves
furnituri carbon dioxide carban dioxide
ccarbon dioxide
7.   Which word is the opposite of decline, decrease?
growth leavves grawth
carbon dioxide leavis carban dioxide
corban dioxidi leaves growtth
8.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
The part of plants that produce seeds, nectar, and sometimes beautiful colors.
flowor flower foliage
folliage seedds seeds
faliage flewir seds


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Find each of the following words.

Use the following definitions to figure out which vocabulary words to find.
1. A plant's woody tissue that carries water and mineral salts.  2. of Alga  
3. Tiny grains that are produced in the stamen part of flowering and cone-bearing plants.  4. The part of the stamen that holds pollen grains.  
5. The time of the year when fruits from plants are usually harvested.  6. Tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants.  
7. Flowering plants that grow and store food during the first year of its life. In the second year of its life, they bloom and produce seeds.  8. The thin and flat part of a leaf.  
9. A leaf's main function is to produce this.  



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1.   Write a sentence using the word vacuole.

2.   Write a sentence using the word energy.

3.   Write a sentence using the word flower.

4.   Write a paragraph or short story using the words xylem, environment, carbon dioxide, deciduous, and wind.


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1.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to style?
1  control, vein, fashion, name, appellation, design, manner, brilliance, title, pattern, elegance, tone, apparel, arrangement
2  apex, wreath, vertex, summit, folio, pinnacle, enshrine, acme, consummate, achievement
3  shock, peak, hike, expansion, advance, increase, addition, progress
2.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to moss?
1  manner, design, activity, pattern, fashion, chic, cast, arrangement, vein, craze, affinity, appellation, demeanor, tone
2  vetch, legume, club moss, bottom
3  teeth, competitor, tongue, cutting edge, flag
3.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to wind?
1  decoy, jade, clarion, screw, flag, coil, gale, entangle
2  advance, lapse, assimilation, expansion, change, progress, resolution, increase
3  impede, hop, stamp, boggle
4.   air
1  The part of a tree that is above the trunk and consists of branches, twigs, and leaves.
2  One of the four things that plants need. Plants use the carbon dioxide from this.
3  This is what happens after germination as the plant produces roots and leaves.
5.   xylem
1  a. The largest layer of the tree trunk that consists of dead cells. This layer carries water from the roots of a tree to its leaves.
b. A plant's woody tissue that carries water and mineral salts.
2  The thin and flat part of a leaf.
3  a. The cell wall of a plant cell is made from this material.
b. The material in plant cells that is used by humans to make paper, plastics, and cloth.
6.   chloroplast
1  A plant that is found mostly in damp, shady places. They absorb large amounts of water through their tiny leaves.
2  a. Bees use the nectar from flowers to make this.
b. A thick, sweet fluid made from flower nectar by bees.
3  The part of a plant cell where food is made.
7.   carnivorous
1  The part of the stamen that holds pollen grains.
2  a. Flowering plants that grow and store food during the first year of its life. In the second year of its life, they bloom and produce seeds.
3  Plants that feed on animals. These types of plants are capable of trapping and digesting small animals especially insects.
8.   blade
1  The beautiful wood from cherry and red oak trees is often used to make these.
2  The part of plants that produce seeds, nectar, and sometimes beautiful colors.
3  The thin and flat part of a leaf.


Answer Key
Page 1
1. endodermis
2. pollen
3. blade
4. energy
5. cone-bearing
6. broad leaves
7. growth
8. flower

Page 4
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 1.
4. 2.
5. 1.
6. 3.
7. 3.
8. 3.


Answer Key
Word Search Answer:
SH                E  
D L              L   
E  O  VACUOLE   L    
E A R                
S  U O        M      
    T P      E       
     U H    M        
      M Y  B         
       N LR     BARK 