Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Science Worksheets
Space and Stars Worksheets
For thousands of years, people have imagined that stars made pictures in the sky. Stories were told to explain these pictures, called constellations. Constellations are groups of stars seen together that form a pattern. Many different cultures have different stories about the pictures. Today we know that each star we see in the night sky is a sun like our sun. Our sun has planets, comets, asteroids, moons, dwarf planets, and other smaller bodies orbiting it. All of them together make up our solar system. It, in turn, is part of a large group of stars and their planets, all held together in space by gravity. This group is called the Milky Way Galaxy, and it contains billions of stars. There are hundreds of millions of galaxies that make up our universe! In this unit, students can learn more about our vast universe. We hope it inspires a new generation of spacewalkers and stargazers!