Building a House

Old Mr. Polygon scratched his chin. His beard was itchy sometimes. "Hmmm . . . let me see," he said. "I think it was back before your mother was born . . . It was in the Jumble Days for sure. The Cone family had a new baby. They needed a new house."

The twins, Square One and Square Two, lay back on their pillows. They liked it when their grandfather told them about the Jumble Days. His stories were funny. The shapes were always getting into some kind of trouble in his stories.

"Well," Grandpa Polygon began, "all the shapes got together. They wanted to help Jess and Joan Cone and little Jim. The shapes decided to work together to build a new house for them."

"I guess you know that the shapes don't work very well together. You see, each one of them thinks he is the best shape. They spend most of their time arguing about which one of them is the best. They don't get much done."

The twins nodded. They remembered Grandpa Polygon's stories about all the trouble the shapes had caused. Everything was so mixed up for a long time. After a while, everyone started calling that time the Jumble Days. Grandpa's story went like this:

Bright and early the next morning, the shapes got together in the field. It would be a good place for a house. There was plenty of room for a garden. There was lots of nice soft grass for Jim to play in when he got a bit older. There was a sparkling stream in the field. Mrs. Cone could get water there.

"I think the house should be round," Mr. Circle said.

"No, squares are much better for houses," Miss Square said.

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