Keith and the Tiger Tragedy

"Shh! Everyone be very quiet now. We are going to talk to a mother tiger today. She has two cubs. Tigers usually roam alone, but mothers do stay with their cubs. Hello, Mrs. Tiger. What beautiful cubs you have. Will they get any bigger?"

"Oh, yes. My cubs are both males. They will get much bigger. Tigers are the largest of the cat family. Since we are Siberian tigers, we are the largest tigers of all."

"I didn't know Siberian tigers were the largest. And how do you tell your cubs apart?"

"No two tigers have the same stripe pattern. They are like human fingerprints. The stripe patterns are different on each side of a tiger's body, too."

"How fascinating. I know you are a hunter. You hunt at night. What kinds of animals do you hunt?"

"Most of the time we hunt deer, wild pigs, and buffalo. If food gets scarce, we will also eat fish, monkeys, and even baby elephants."

"Wow! Baby elephants! I didn't know that. How do you get close enough to kill another animal?"

"We hide in tall grass or dense brush. We sneak up until we are close to the animal. Then we rush out, pounce, and kill it."

"I have heard you are a good swimmer. Is that true? My cat doesn't even like water."

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