My Favorite Teacher

Today is World Teachers Day. The boys and girls in my class are writing about their favorite teachers. We have to tell what we like about them. We can't use their names, though. No one is supposed to know who our favorite teachers are.

Do you have a favorite teacher? I do. I have only been in school for four years. All of my teachers have been good. One of them is my favorite, though.

It is hard to write about a person and not use a name. I am just going to make up a name. My favorite teacher is Ms. Jones. She was my - oops!-I can't tell you what grade she teaches. Then you would know who she is.

Ms. Jones has a nice voice. When she talks, everyone can hear her. She does not shout at us, not ever. I don't like for someone to shout at me. Do you like for your teacher to shout at you?

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