Shana's Song

Parents Day

Reading Comprehension for July 27

Shana Squirrel was born last year. She and her five brothers lived in a nest inside an old oak tree. Their parents took good care of them.

"Tomorrow is Parents' Day," Shana thought. "What can I give my mother and father?"

She thought and thought.

She did not have any money. She could not buy a gift.

"What kind of gift can I give our parents?" she asked her brother Sam.

"Give them something they like," he said.

"Well, I want to do that," Shana said. But she still did not know what to give them.

"What kind of gift can I give our parents?" she asked her brother Sean.

"Give them something special," he said.

"Well, I want to do that," Shana said. But she still did not know what to give them.

"What kind of gift can I give our parents?" she asked her brother Steve.

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