
Mark put his eyes up to the lenses in the big black box. He looked at the traffic signs. He could see six signs. He had to tell the officer what the signs meant. Mark was sixteen years old, and he was taking the test for his driving permit. He was very, very nervous.

He looked at the signs carefully. The first one was red and had eight sides. That one was easy. It was a stop sign.

"The first sign means stop," Mark said.

The next sign was a triangle. It had red, too, with white in the middle.

"The red triangle means yield," Mark said.

"You have gotten the first two right," the officer told him. "Keep up the good work."

Mark looked at the third sign. It was a blue and white rectangle. It had a symbol on it that looked like a person in a wheelchair. It had the words "Handicapped Parking" on it.

"The third sign means to leave the parking space for someone who has a handicap."

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