The Reason Flag

"What Do You Love About America?" Day

Reading Comprehension for November 21

Jaime was very busy.

He had a huge sheet of white paper. He had red, white, and blue paint. He had paintbrushes. He had a ruler, too.

Jaime was writing on the paper with a pencil.

"What are you doing, Jaime?" his mother asked.

"I am making a reason flag," he said. "Our class is making pictures to tell what we love about America."

"That isn't really a picture," his mother said. "Don't you have some other reasons to love America?"

Jaime just frowned.

"You don't understand, Mom," he said. "You will see."

"I guess so," his mother said. She went to the kitchen.

Jaime wrote some more. Then he looked puzzled. He tried to think. He thought and thought. He could not think of just one more reason.

He went to the kitchen.

"Mom," Jaime said, "Why do you love America?"

"Because it is so beautiful," she said. "I think it is the most beautiful place in the world."

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