The Secret Ingredient

Grant loves Saturday. It's his favorite day of the week. He doesn't have to go to school. He can sleep in late. He can watch television all morning. Grant really loves Saturday.

He also likes to eat. He likes many different foods. His favorite one of all, though, is barbecue. He loves all kinds of barbecue. He loves pork and beef. He loves ribs. He loves barbecue sandwiches. He loves barbecue chicken, too! He thinks barbecue meals are best with other foods. Cole slaw is good with barbecue. So is cornbread. So is corn on the cob. But best of all are baked beans.

During the summer, Grant's whole family gets together. They do this once a month on a Saturday. His mom, dad, brothers, sister, and grandparents have lunch. They always cook outside. They always have a barbecue.

It takes time to get ready for a barbecue. Making food for a barbecue is a big job. There is a lot of meat to cook. There are vegetables to prepare. Everyone has to help, even Grant.

Grant is only six years old, but he likes to help cook. He likes to put barbecue sauce on the chicken. He likes to help make hush puppies. He especially likes watching his grandpa make baked beans. That's his favorite part of the day!

The recipe is secret. Grant's grandpa told him there is a secret ingredient in the beans. Grant has seen his grandpa put lots of cooked beans in the pan. He has seen his grandpa put onions and green peppers in the pan. Grant knows his grandpa uses barbecue sauce. He knows his grandpa puts bacon on the top of the beans. But he doesn't know what the secret ingredient is!

When it's lunchtime, Grant is always first in line. He gets lots to eat. But his very favorite is his grandpa's baked beans!

One Saturday Grant asked his grandpa to tell him what secret ingredient he puts in his baked beans.

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