In the worksheet titled "edHelperKu Puzzles: Sudoku-Style Puzzles With Addition and Subtraction," students fill in the boxes in a Sudoku-style puzzle, which means every row and column can only contain one of each number. Each puzzle gets bigger, with the first containing the numbers 1 to 4, the second containing the numbers 1 to 5, and the third containing the numbers 1 to 6. Each puzzle contains the added challenge of an addition or subtraction problem, where all the boxes in the outlined area must equal the number that's listed.
The equations included in each puzzle are provided below. Students must fill in the numbers in the blanks, which helps them practice algebraic thinking, in addition to giving them the opportunity to double-check their answers in the puzzle above.
Students can practice their logical and basic operations skills when they work on problems with multiple digits that are being added and subtracted, especially if they have to figure out the digits after being given the solution. For example, if students have to figure out what 2 numbers they can add to 5 in order for the answer to equal 8, they are able to see how addition and subtraction are related. They also get practice reverse-engineering math problems, which is an essential skill in algebra.