Identifying and Creating Patterns: A Fill-in-the-Blank Activity
Ordering Numbers Up to 20: A Fill-in-the-Blank Activity
Adding Groups of Items and Completing Addition Problems Within 10
Sillyble the Robot Counts the Syllables in Words
Fill in the Missing Letters Word Puzzles
Counting By Ones Starting With Numbers One Through Nine
Puzzle Mania: Solve, Create, and Play
Puzzle Galore: Numbers, Letters, and Beyond
Letters and Numbers: Fun Puzzles
Write and Draw: My Favorite Animal
Sort, Count, and More: A Fun Math Workbook
There Were Three
Our New Brown Dog
Solve It All: A Workbook of Math Puzzles
Puzzle Playtime: A Fun Workbook
Position and Size Fun: A Collection of Puzzles
Position and Size Fun: A Critter Adventure
Inside, Outside, and Beyond: A Collection of Position Puzzles