Ghana Revolution Day

Ghana Revolution Day

Reading Comprehension for December 31

Do you dream of a day when you don't have to live by anyone else's rules? Do you ever think how nice it would be to make all your own decisions about what to do, where to go, and who to be with? Do you ever think that such a life might create too many decisions for you to make? Some people get overwhelmed with life's many decisions.

Now imagine that you're an entire country, just released from outside control. There are millions of people in your country, all of whom have different ideas about what should be done. Some people want to be president. Others want to write laws. Most, however, just want their lives to improve. But everyone has a different idea how to do it. What do you do then?

The people of Ghana found themselves in this situation not too long ago. The nation of Ghana is located on Africa's west coast, or Gold Coast, as it was once known. For many hundreds of years, Britain ruled the country and the region. With governors in faraway Britain, the British government ruled over the lives of Ghanaian people. The Ghanaian people grew tired of being ruled by outsiders, and opposition to the British government grew. Then, in 1957, the British government agreed to leave Ghana to rule itself. This made Ghana one of the first independent African nations. The Ghanaian people were grateful but confused.

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