How to Panic!

As if you didn't have enough to worry about, there is actually an entire day devoted to panic. International Panic Day is always on June 18. To ensure that you are prepared to successfully celebrate this day, this article will provide helpful hints and information about how to panic.

The first step in a successful panic is to discover an effective anxiety trigger point. Some people find that looking for monsters under beds works well, particularly if they have a cat that happens to look back at them with glowing, green eyes. Another successful technique is to go outside in the dark all alone and scan the skies for UFOs. If a blinking, odd-shaped satellite happens to fly by, count yourself as lucky. You are exactly in the right place at the right time. Looking for ghosts in the attic or the cellar in the dark can also work--especially if these places are populated by rats as well as the dearly departed.

Sometimes monsters, UFOs, and ghosts are hard to find when you need them. If this is the case, you must resort to more down-to-earth methods of inciting panic. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to feed some important homework that counts for half your grade to the dog for this purpose. Be aware that this might produce a less desirable delayed panic that won't happen until you are at school and the assignment is being collected. You will have to feed the dog on June 17 if you really want to be in sync with the celebration.

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