January 6th - the Alternate Christmas

3 Kings Day

Reading Comprehension for January 6

In the United States, the twelve days of Christmas begin on December 13, so that the twelfth day lands on Christmas Day. According to TV, radio, and print advertising, those twelve days are for shopping, shopping, and maybe a little more shopping.

Other cultures celebrate the twelve days of Christmas too. However, December 25 is considered to be the first day of Christmas, and the twelfth day is January 6. December 25 was adopted in the fourth century by the Western Christian Church as the date of the Feast of Christ's birth. The Eastern Christian Church celebrates January 6 instead. It is believed that this difference resulted in the tradition of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

On January 6 is the Feast of Epiphany, also called The Festival of the Three Kings (or Magi) or simply Twelfth Day. According to tradition, the names of the kings are Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. On the night when Jesus was born, these three kings saw a bright star and followed it to Bethlehem. There they found the infant Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

To celebrate Three Kings Day in Bavaria and Austria, children dress up as kings from New Year's Day through January 6. They go from door to door holding up a large star, caroling and singing a Three Kings' song. You might say it's a little like the U.S. Halloween custom of trick-or-treating, because the costumed children receive money or sweets. However, these star singers are actually collecting charitable donations. At one time the money went to unemployed craftsmen and veterans; nowadays it goes to a church or Third World charities.

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