John Hancock

John Hancock's Birthday

Reading Comprehension for January 12

"Put your John Hancock here." This well-known expression is often used when we need to place our signature on a document. John Hancock is best known for his large ornate signature on the Declaration of Independence. But who is the man behind this famous signature?

John Hancock was born on January 23, 1737 (January 12, 1736, Old Style), in Braintree, Massachusetts. His father, a clergyman, died when John was just a boy. John's mother was unable to raise him on her own. John was adopted by his wealthy uncle, Thomas Hancock, a successful merchant.

Thomas Hancock wanted John to have the best education available, and he sent him to Harvard. In 1754, at the age of 17, John graduated with a degree in business and went to work for his uncle. For a time, he lived in England and managed his uncle's business affairs there. In 1764, his uncle died. John Hancock inherited both the business and great wealth. He became the wealthiest man in New England.

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