Russian Day of Consent and Reconciliation


Reading Comprehension for November 7

In Russia, the 7th of November is a very important day. It is a federal holiday, and it means that people all over Russia don't have to go to work. Russians love to celebrate, and there are many holidays in Russia. Many of them are similar to the holidays in other countries, like Christmas, New Year's Day, and Independence Day. But November 7 is a little different. It is called the Day of Consent and Reconciliation.

During its history, Russia has seen many changes, especially in the 20th century. One of the biggest changes happened in 1917 - the revolution. It changed life in Russia forever and was very controversial.

Do you know what "revolution" means? A revolution is the overthrow of a ruler or a political system. It also means the change of something. But changes can happen differently. Things can change gradually, step by step. Change like that is called evolution. Things can also change suddenly, when new things suddenly replace old things. This is called revolution.

In 1917, Russia was in the middle of a crisis. The country was involved in World War I, which was very unsuccessful for Russian troops - soldiers died by the hundreds of thousands. At the same time, the Russian economy was ruined, unemployment was very high, people were very poor, and there was bad famine across the country.

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