Ruth White

Award-winning author Ruth White has enjoyed writing stories since she was young enough to write sentences. As she began her professional writing career, she discovered her passion for writing books intended for young adolescent girls. White frequently uses experiences from her youth as inspiration for her books, which helps her better relate to her audience.

Born in 1942, Ruth White grew up in the Appalachian hills of Virginia in the small town of Grundy. She was the fourth daughter in her poverty-stricken family. When young Ruth was only six years old, her coal miner father was killed, so her mother had to raise the children on her own. Because the family was poor, they didn't have luxuries such as a television, but White now realizes that it was a good thing. The family performed music together and regularly read aloud to each other. Ruth also enjoyed writing, probably because of her love for stories. She tried to write stories before she could even write long sentences. Once Ruth reached the second or third grade, she began writing stories and plays and would act them out at school. When Ruth was in eighth grade, her mother moved the family to Michigan, but Ruth stayed behind and lived with her aunt and uncle in Virginia in order to finish high school.

After completing high school, White began her college education. Although there were few writing classes, she took all that were available. White found that writing was natural for her. She received an A.A. degree at Montreat-Anderson College in 1962 and an A.B. degree in 1966 at Pfeiffer College. Ten years later, White picked up a library media specialist certification at Queens College.

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