Sinkie Day

Millions of people all over the world have excellent manners. Perhaps you are one of them occasionally. Using knives and forks properly and putting a napkin in your lap at a restaurant is a sure way to gain parental points. Good manners can open doors -- or perhaps have you opening them, depending on how you look at it.

That being said, there are also moments when you are tired, hungry, and you are in your very own kitchen. If no one is around, you probably don't put out every possible fork and use your best dishes and candlesticks. If you think that it is fine to follow more relaxed dining rules in these lonely situations, believe it or not, you are in good company. You are ready to become an official sinkie.

According to the International Association of People Who Dine over the Kitchen Sink, a sinkie is "one who occasionally dines over the kitchen sink." This group was founded in 1991 with the goal of "bringing casual, comfortable, informal dining out of the pantry and into the light of the refrigerator." Sinkies seem to have some extra time on their hands...probably because they spend less time cleaning up their kitchens!

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