Troodon, or Wounding Tooth

Head and neck of Dale Russell's Troodon sculpture, from the Natural History Museum, London.

Troodon (TROW-oh-don) was a small, meat-eating dinosaur. From the tip of its nose to the end of its tail, it was only about ten feet long. It may have weighed about one hundred pounds.

Troodon is classified in the group Theropoda, along with giants like Tyrannosaurus rex and Spinosaurus. Members of this group, known as theropods, were one of the three main groups of dinosaurs. Theropods were bipedal, which means they walked on two hind legs most of the time, were fast moving, had hollow bones, and were the only carnivorous dinosaurs. Theropods were the terrors of the Mesozoic era. Many scientists think that modern birds descended from theropod dinosaurs.

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