Teacher Worksheets

4th Grade Writing Worksheets

Writing Worksheets
Free 4th Grade Writing Worksheets:
Writing Worksheets Practice Workbook
Writing Prompts Worksheets Practice Workbook

Fourth Grade Writing Worksheets

Give your young writer a boost with these fourth grade writing worksheets! They're a great tool for students who need-or want!-more practice with writing. The exercises help kids hone their narrative writing skills and turn their ideas into well-written stories, essays, and persuasive texts. These no-prep, printable PDFs on this page are the perfect way to give your aspiring young author a chance to practice writing, and they're so much fun that kids want to work on them!

Creative Writing Prompts for Kids

Fourth grade students are well on their way to becoming fluent writers able to put their ideas into narrative form and write about the texts they read. The writing exercises on these worksheets include fun prompts like:

-You're opening a restaurant to serve aliens visiting earth their favorite foods. Answer questions and then draw a picture of their favorite meals.

-Write a story explaining what's going on in this picture. (Flex those creative muscles! What do you see? Write about it.)

-Explain a quotation by writing it in your own words, and then write an essay that explains the quotation.


Students will also practice language skills like using prefixes, writing a compare-and-contrast essay, and going through prewriting steps. Prewriting steps include making a Venn diagram, writing a topic statement, and following up with logically arranged details. Help your fourth grader gain mastery of writing by understanding syntax and vocabulary, organizing their ideas, and finding alternatives to overused words.

Writing exercises are provided along with math word problems and puzzles, which are necessary for meeting fourth grade standards for education. Fourth graders are asked to write opinion pieces, narratives, effective introductions, logically organized reasons, and conclusions.