A Blonde Surprise

Angela wrapped herself in a warm robe and went down to breakfast to find her mom making French toast. She was glad teacher conferences were happening because she had a day off from school. The delicious smell of cinnamon filled the air. She noticed that delicate swirls of frost covered the kitchen windows as if tiny ice fairies had been finger painting during the night. French toast was the perfect breakfast for a cold day. Her mom expertly scooped the crispy piece of toast from the frying pan and flipped it over in one smooth movement.

"I have a fun idea for us to do today," exclaimed Mom.

Angela was curious. "Give me a hint," suggested Angela, who loved solving little mysteries.

"Well, the first hint I can give you is that it is a blonde surprise," whispered Mom as she tossed a strand of coffee-colored hair out of her eyes.

"Do you want to dye your hair blonde?" asked Angela. She could not imagine her mom as a blonde. Then again, Mom had been talking about "making changes around here," so maybe she was talking about a new hair color!

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