A Hairy Invader

Caption: Picture taken by Christian Fischer at the Havel River in Germany, October 2007.

Casey and her dad walked along the sandy beach looking at the beautiful waters of the San Francisco Bay. The white foam looked like frosting swirls on a gigantic blue birthday cake! Frisky seagulls played tag in the sky, taunting each other in shrill voices. Casey spent every other weekend with her father since her parents divorced last year. Looking at the bay was one of Casey and her dad's favorite activities.

Casey ran ahead. She wanted to add to her shell collection. Bits of pink and peach peeked out from sandy hideaways. They were hard to see because Casey's long hair kept blowing into her eyes! She almost stepped on a rock, but then the "rock" scurried away!

"Daddy, look at how that rock can run," joked Casey. She loved it when the seashore surprised her.

She trotted after the moving "rock" and looked closer. Dad trotted behind her and looked closer, too. The brown crab hurried away as if it had an appointment in the sea. Casey noticed something strange about the crab before it dashed into the foaming waves. It had hairy claws! She had never seen a crab like that before. How funny!

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