"A Llama in Pajamas" and Other Silly Songs

Raffi Cavoukian

Reading Comprehension for July 8

Willa-bee walla-bee woo; an elephant sat on you.
Willa-bee walla-bee wee; an elephant sat on me!

That silly saying is part of a song. A man named Raffi sang it. The fun part is that you get to change the song as you go. You just use the end of a kid's name in the "woo" or "wee" part. At the end of the line, the elephant sits on that person! It works like this:

Willa-bee, walla-bee, wary; an elephant sat on Mary.
Willa-bee, walla-bee wott; an elephant sat on Scott!

Kids love silly songs. (Most adults do, too!) That's why kids love Raffi. Raffi is the silly song champion of the world. He even sings a song about a banana phone!

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring - banana phone...

I'll call for pizza; I'll call my cat
I'll call the White House, have a chat.
I'll place a call around the world.
Operator, get me Beijing jing jing jing...

Banana phone - ring... ring... ring...
It's a phone with appeal.

Banana phone - ring... ring... ring...
Now you can have your phone and eat it too!

Banana phone - ring... ring... ring...
This song drives me...bananas!

Not all of Raffi's songs are silly. Some are just nice to hear and sing. His most well-known song is about a baby whale. It's called "Baby Beluga." In this warm, happy song, a little whale calf swims with its mother. The chorus goes like this:

Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea,
You swim so wild and you swim so free.
Heaven above and the sea below,
And a little white whale on the go.
You're just a little white whale on the go.

Raffi was born in Cairo, Egypt. His full name is Raffi Cavoukian. When Raffi was ten, the family moved to Canada. Music was a part of life in his family. Raffi learned to play guitar as a teen.

In a few years, he began to sing and play in local cafes. Then he sang in schools. He spiced up some songs kids knew. Some of his own songs went into the mix, too. The music was lively and fun. The rhythms were catchy. The songs made people want to clap and sing. He invited kids to join in. They did!

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