A Place of Her Own

Caitlin closed her book with a sigh. "I wish I could be like Robinson Crusoe," she said.

Her father looked up from his newspaper. "What did you say?" he asked.

"I would like to be on an island all by myself, just like Robinson Crusoe," Caitlin repeated.

Caitlin had four brothers and two sisters. She was the youngest. She loved her brothers and sisters, but she felt like she was never alone. Sometimes it seemed like it would be nice to be all by herself.

Mr. O'Brien put his newspaper on the table. "Tell me why you would like being alone," he said.

"Sometimes I would like for everything to be quiet," Caitlin answered. "Sometimes I would like to have my own space, too. I really love Shauna and Fiona, Papa, but our room is really crowded. There never seems to be enough space for me."

Caitlin's father looked thoughtful. "I think we can give you a place of your own," he said. "But you will have to wait for just a little while. Can you wait?"

"Will it be very long, Papa?"

"About two weeks, little daughter."

"Then I think I can wait that long."

Caitlin didn't know where her father was going to find any more space. Their house had four bedrooms. Her mother and father had one of them. Her two oldest brothers, Sean and Connor, shared one bedroom. Liam and Ryan shared the downstairs bedroom. Caitlin and her two sisters shared the fourth bedroom.

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