ABCs and ZZZs

Sleep tight! Don't let the bedbugs bite! Many parents tease their kids with this saying each night. But all teasing aside, a good night's sleep really is important. It helps to restore your brain. It helps to keep your hormone levels balanced. It helps your body grow.

On the flip side, not getting enough sleep can be harmful. A lack of sleep can lead to a temporary loss of IQ. It can also impair reasoning and memory skills. Too little sleep can also make kids hyperactive. Teachers have found that students who do not get enough sleep have more academic problems at school. These students also experience mood swings and have behavior problems.

Doctors think that children need at least ten hours of sleep each night. One way to help make sure that you are getting enough sleep is to create a bedtime routine. By doing the same things every night, your body will begin to recognize these familiar activities and start to .....

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