Add "Punct-ch" to Your Writing

National Punctuation Day

Reading Comprehension for August 22

Add punch to your writing - use punctuation!

The right punctuation can add style and flair to your writing. The wrong punctuation can distract from good writing. Let's review the basic punctuation marks and when they should be used.

Period: A period is used to end a sentence. It shows the readers when to stop their train of thought.

My dog Spot ate my homework.

Comma: A comma provides another place to pause, but works differently than a period. While a period ends a sentence or thought, a comma can allow you to take a breath but keep thinking on the same theme. It is used to separate main clauses that have been joined by a conjunction. A comma can also be used to separate items in a list or add a descriptive phrase.

My dog Spot, who was hungry, ate my homework.

Exclamation point: You want to show some excitement? Use an exclamation point at the end of your sentence. Be careful not to use an exclamation point too often, though, because it will lose its effectiveness.

Spot ate my homework!

Question mark: A question mark is used to indicate that the writer is seeking information. The writer is asking a question.

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