Adrian's Worst Day

Adrian's favorite holiday is April 1. He likes to play tricks on people, so he has lots of fun on April Fools Day. Last year he played lots of tricks on people.

Adrian's family was glad when April Fools Day was over. By the end of the day, they were tired of tricks. But Adrian had fun all day. He decided to have more fun the next day.

On April 2, Adrian called his father at work. He told his father that school would be over at one o'clock. His father came to take him home at one o'clock. Adrian laughed and said it was just a joke. His father told him that it was not funny.

On April 3, Adrian told his teacher that he knew how to fly a plane. He told her all about taking lessons. He told her about a time he flew his father's plane to another city.

"Adrian, you are not old enough to take flying lessons. You do not know how to fly a plane, do you?" she said.

"Nahh," Adrian answered. "I was just playing a trick on you. It was funny, wasn't it?"

"No," his teacher said. "It was not funny. Now we do not have time for science. You wasted our time telling us things that were not even true!"

On April 4, Adrian ran into his house. "Mom, Mom!" he shouted. "There are some sixth graders chasing me. They want to beat me up!"

Adrian's mother ran outside. She looked up and down the sidewalk. She looked in the street. She looked in the yard. There was no one to be seen. She went back inside. Adrian was lying on the floor. He was laughing very hard.

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