Amanda's Story: Dealing with Acne

Amanda sat in her room alone. She was staring at the mirror when tears began rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't stand to see her own image looking back at her. Amanda was alone for a few more minutes. She sobbed quietly, thinking no one could hear her crying. Then she heard a knock at the door.

"Amanda, it's me," Amanda's big sister Katie called. "What's wrong? Can I come in?"

"Go away!" Amanda yelled.

"What's wrong?" Katie asked, as she opened Amanda's door anyway. This made Amanda cry even more.

"Nothing! I'm fine," Amanda countered.

"Nobody cries that much if nothing's wrong. Is something wrong at school?" Katie asked.

"No," Amanda said.

"Is it a problem with a friend?" Katie asked.

"No," Amanda said, calming down a bit.

"Then tell me, Amanda," Katie said. "I want to help."

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