An American Family Visits the Food Bank

America has been called the land of opportunity, and it is easy to believe that everyone in America has the basics of life. Many people think that hungry children only exist in third world countries. However, many people struggle in America to pay their bills. Many families do not have enough food to eat. Rebecca and her family understand that even Americans face the challenges of hunger, too.

Many families have unexpected events happen that make it impossible for one person to work. This might be an unexpected illness or a natural disaster. Even a large car repair bill can make a family's budget strained. Rebecca's father had an accident at work so he had to stay home for a while. Even though Rebecca's mother had a job, her salary didn't cover all of their bills.

At first, Rebecca's mother tried to solve the problem herself. Sometimes, she didn't eat so that her children had meals. She tried to do her own dental work. She sold family heirlooms, like her mother's watch, in order to buy groceries. She also tried to shop around for the best prices, but it still was not enough. Finally, Rebecca's mother confided in a friend. The friend had a great suggestion. She reminded Rebecca's mom about a food bank in town. Rebecca's family finally was able to get more groceries.

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